Water for Life

A staggering 64 percent of the population of Pakistan do not have access to safe and clean drinking water and only 58 percent have access to basic sanitation. Both global warming and rapid population growth are rapidly depleting the nations primarily natural water source from the mountains as seasonal snow and ice continue to dissolve at an unprecedented rate. All of this making Pakistan one of the most water stressed nations in the world; the country is riddled with disease, malnourishment and stunted agricultural development. With no national water strategy, policy or law in place, the situation looks only to worsen as the population and urbanisation continues to expand.

Providing access to clean and safe drinking water as well as providing much needed hygiene education remain top priorities as we seek to support a nation in such dire need of our help. Our local project director is on the ground in Pakistan establishing local communities to support. We are constructing hand water pumps, complete with water testing to ensure the safety of the product and finally providing local water and hygiene education sessions to ensure long term community understanding, maintenance of facilities and changed behaviour. Each water pump supporting an average of 200 people in a rural community. We have so far installed 21 water pumps. Providing access to safe and clean water to an estimated 4000 men, woman and children.

This entire life changing installation costs only $150 per site. Donations sponsoring an entire site, will receive a photo of the established water pump, the coordinates of its whereabouts and a named sign at the installation site. Such a small financial contribution creating such a life changing contribution to individuals and communities in real need.

Take a moment to consider the impact having no access to safe and clean water would have on your own life and help make a difference today!